Sunday, July 4, 2010

Frightening Times on Go Commando July 4, 2010

Frightening Times on Go Commando

By Angela via Text to Deb, July 4, 2010

The SeaGals have been dealing with dangerous weather the last couple of days. Angela sent me info about their ordeal via text message a couple of hours ago. She said, “tg (thank God, the) anchor held today otherwise (we) would be coming home in casket (s.) 3-4 meter waves hail (gale) force winds and too close to smashing on rocks for my taste.” She explained on the phone that she had hoped they would anchor in the next “posh” bay over with “no rocks”. When she woke for her shift she found that they were anchored in this bay which is full of rocks. ”Could have died out here today, no surviving in this water just rock cliffs around with 12-20ft waves crashing into them, it would have made toothpicks of our boat and cast us to the sea. Rogue wave flooded bow cabin. It is still windy and choppy but we moved farther away from rocks. We were just at the wave break barely getting over the top of them, maybe. It's my break now and it's been tough day. I am going to sleep.

She also wanted me to let everyone that they are all fine. They gave Laura and Bev a dry sleeping bag from the back cabin, while they dry out their things. During her next shift, she hopes to be allowed to make it to the next bay without the rocks; but we shall see.

1 comment:

Carm Sullivan said...

We will all rest better when you are safely home and out of the water. Thinking of you Angela. You are one cool cookie.

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